Not at all. Here at WooWoo, we sell a wide variety of compost toilets, each type has specific qualities or features that make it more or less suitable to certain situations. The way you use each one will be slightly different, but let’s go through the basics for each manufacturer:
Separett – the Villa and Tiny urine diverting toilets are compact and don’t need any sawdust or other material added at the ‘in use’ stage. Open the lid and sit down – your weight will cause the concealing screen to open, ensuring faeces can drop down into the container. Male users should down to urinate (to ensure urine goes to the front only) and ladies may have to adjust their position slightly forwards. Toilet paper can be placed in the solids container, but you will need to remain seated to ensure the concealing screen stays open to do this. There’s nothing else to press or push – that’s it!
Air Head – once the Air Head is setup initially (with a cocoa coir block in the main chamber), the user sits down. There is a lever on the side that opens the concealing flap so faeces etc can drop through. When you’re done, close the flap, close the lid and slowly turning the handle on the side a couple of times to mix the contents.
WooWoo GT – because the WooWoo GT doesn’t use a urine separator, there is no issue if male users stand to urinate, and no requirments in terms of where or how you sit. They can be maintained so that the user adds a scoop of wood shavings after each solid use (no need to add anything after a wee), or the owner/operator can add wood shavings weekly, so the user just goes to the toilet and that’s it, making it incredibly simple to use!
Alectura – like the WooWoo GT, this doesn’t use a urine separator so is simple for anyone to use. Just open the lid on the porcelain pedestal and use it like any other toilet. Depending on the way it’s going to be managed, either the user can add a scoop of wood shavings after each solid use (no need to add anything after a wee), or the owner/operator can add wood shavings weekly. Simple!
Kazuba – for the user, the Kazuba cannot be simpler. They just sit down and use the toilet. Paper is dropped into the toilet pan. That’s it. Super simple!