Beccles Allotmenteers Feel Relieved with Another Kazuba Waterless Toilet on Site!

Beccles Allotments and Gardeners Association recently had a ‘grand opening’ ceremony to mark another Kazuba KL1 waterless toilet on site. The new Kazuba complements the others, the oldest of which was installed in 2013 and still going strong!

The Kazuba is ideal for allotments as it needs no electricity, mains water or sewerage and importantly, is extremely low maintenance.

Joan from Beccles commented:

“In the past few years, Beccles Allotments and Gardens Association has purchased Kazuba waterless toilets for use on four of the 13 allotment sites in the Suffolk town of Beccles. Fully funded by the National Lottery’s Awards For All scheme, the toilets formed part of the Association’s aim of diversifying the prevailing allotment demographic – namely older men whose preserve the allotments had long been.

However, the old boys’ adage of ‘bucket and chuck it’ is no longer acceptable in today’s society. By being able to offer toilet facilities it was hoped that women and children and whole young families would be attracted to allotmenteering, thus protecting the future of the allotments. The installation of the waterless toilets has had precisely the effect we hoped for, indeed on some sites women and families now make up over 50% of tenants.

People can make better use of their plots, as they can stay longer and achieve more in terms of both productivity and health-giving exercise. The kids find out where their food comes from – and it’s not nicely chopped up in plastic bags – as well as discovering what really fresh fruit and vegetables actually taste like. Everybody wins!”

Find out more about Kazuba waterless toilets.


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