Kazuba Solar Light Module

SKU KL-LM Category

£900.00 inc VAT

In stock


The solar light module provides off-grid lighting within the Kazuba toilet – switching on when someone enters and off when they leave.

Designed for straightforward and discreet installation with the Kazuba KL2 series toilets (will fit other products, but may require additional installation steps).

The internal enclosure comes with mounting brackets and hardware to enable secure installation high on the Kazuba KL2 frame. Wires from the solar panel pass discreetly into the back of the internal enclosure, reducing any visible signs and making it less prone to damage or vandalism.

Includes the following:

  • 50 watt solar panel, to be adhesive mounted flat on the roof (out of eye level).
  • Case with LED light encased on the front. The contents house the charge controller, and a 7Ah sealed lead acid battery.

Download the assembly manual (<0.5Mb, PDF)

Provisional information – please contact us for further details.



Additional information

Weight 10 kg

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